Arlington Virginia History . . . From the Black Side


Living Happier After

Living Happier After:
20 Women Talk About Life After Divorce

Living Happier After tells you the real deal regarding what it takes to overcome the demise of a marriage and emerge living happier after.

Amazon Reviews

Alex S


5.0 out of 5 stars
Like having a whole group of women who know what you are going through

Format: Paperback
November 29, 2012

As a pastor, I am always looking for good resources, and I find this one to be a particularly good one. It is arranged by topics, and each one has responses from women who have been through divorce and who give strategies on how they have personally handled this area of their lives. Each comment is only a page or two long. Even the titles of their comments give insight into what you are going through.


And each one has individual opinions – this isn’t a one-answer fits all book. While going through a divorce recovery group would be your best choice, this excellent book will bring much insight into your life. In fact, if you are in along-term group, these insights would be great discussion starters for the group and are short enough to be read aloud.


Well-organized and great advice. I suggest it for anyone who is considering divorce, going through a divorce, or who has been divorced. As I mentioned, I also recommend it for groups.

A Fan

5.0 out of 5 stars
Great Reading – Inspirational

Format: Paperback
October 10, 2012

Ms. Jones’ book is such a positive experience. Having been through a separation recently, I was hoping to find some inspiration and healing. This book, in the heartfelt words of the author and 20 other women, was so much more than that. While I may not have seen myself in the exact situations these women were in, I learned from what they went through. The emotions are similar in these times and it helps to know how someone else handled it in their own way and came out in a positive way on the other side.


I have recommended this book to several friends already who are going through or have been through divorces. It’s a great help whether you’re looking for inspiration while in the midst of the storm or for validation even years afterwards.

Sonja Flye Oliver

5.0 out of 5 stars
Triumph and Truth

Format: Paperback
September 19, 2012

A must read for forward thinking, forward looking women who need to experience the sense of community that this book offers through open and honest diaglogue and reflection. The author goes deep into the soul of emotions that are sparked in the midst of divorce and relationship realignment. It is easy to find a representation of one’s self as we share the lives of these women on their journey through truth to triumph to ultimately experience the reality of Living Happier After. A wonderful side note: this book is not just for women. My husband who has been previously divorced stated that he wished he could have read this book during his difficult transition as it would have given him great insight into the heart of what his spouse was feeling. Share the gift of this book with someone you care about.

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Arlington Virginia History…From the Black Side

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About Wilma Jones
About Wilma Jones

Wilma Jones is an author, speaker, civic activist, community leader, local historian and the CEO of Wilma J, LLC a business consulting company.

About is a virtual space for people who want to learn more about Arlington VA history, told from the perspective of a local Black historian. Wilma Jones, a fourth generation resident of the Halls Hill neighborhood in Arlington is the author of "My Halls Hill Family: More Than a Neighborhood," and the children's picture book, "Little Michael Visits Fire Station 8. "

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